Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Enhancing lives of Youngstown wanderers who partake of nature's healing ways

The Guardians made a request for maps - here is one of Trumbull and Mahoning County, Ohio, and 2 of Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio. Two of their upcoming Events are listed below the maps. If you are in the area and interested in viewing all the wells and related permits in the Park and in the properties surrounding the Park, stop at the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County, Ohio,
305 Wick Avenue, Youngstown, OH 44503, and request to view the CD of all the park records.
oil and gas wells in Mill Creek watershed, Mahoning County, Ohio, as of March 22, 2012.

black hen's track lines are horizontal well bores in an area around Mill Creek, which flows through Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio, as of March 22, 2012.

gas and oil wells (both vertical and horizontal) in a section of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, Ohio, as of March 22, 2012.
 "On April 6, 1891, the voters of Youngstown Township (Ohio) permitted Volney Rogers' dream to become reality and Mill Creek Park was established as the first Park District in the state." At 5:00pm on Friday, April 6, 2012, at the site of the Volney Rogers statue (the S.W. corner of Falls Avenue & 926 Glenwood Ave. just south of the Park Police offices), the Guardians of Mill Creek Park will celebrate the vision and legacy of Volney Rogers with music, poetry, remembrances, gifts to nature, and homage to our past and to our future. Bring folding chairs, blankets to sit on, musical instruments, flowers, bubble blowers, whatever one needs to celebrate spring renewal and the founding of Mill Creek Park way back in 1891 on April 6th! All are welcome.
MAP: http://g.co/maps/385tg for Glenwood Ave & Falls Ave, Youngstown, OH 44502
Guardians of Mill Creek Park and Occupy Youngstown have been working to try to prevent fracking around and under Mill Creek Park, Youngstown, Ohio. Please join them at the Commissioners Board meeting on Monday, April 16 at 5:00 at MetroParks Farm, 7574 Columbiana-Canfield Rd., Canfield, OH  44406 for a showing of solidarity against drilling----boots on the ground, so to speak... Contact: Judy 330-792-2431

More about the Guardians: We intend to protect and preserve our park--it's waters, air, soil, plants and creatures-- in the spirit of founder Volney Rogers. "Volney Rogers, a remarkable visionary, believed that land itself could improve the lives Youngstown citizens by providing a healthful alternative to the rapidly industrializing city. After exploration of an area on horseback and by foot, Volney knew that the land bordering Mill Creek with its hemlock-laced gorge, breathtaking falls, and magnificent vistas would need to be protected from industrial development. His dream was to open a parcel of 400 acres to the people, enhancing the land and the lives of those who would visit there, partaking of nature's healing ways. Rogers wanted to share his discovery and preserve it for all future wanderers," from the park website at: http://millcreekmetroparks.com/AboutUs/tabid/1406/Default.aspx FB PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mill-Creek-MetroParks/239398654375

Maps obtained from mapping tool at http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Website/Geosurvey/oilgas/viewer.htm

1 comment:

  1. We need many Volneys if we are to ever progress on the trajectory shaped by him.
