Thursday, December 29, 2016

Cake Served at Fracking Waste Earthquakes' 5th Anniversary December 29, 2016 - Ohio

Frackfree America National Coalition,               
based in Youngstown, Ohio    
News Release                                                                                                             
Contact: Jane Spies, M.S.Ed.:  Phone: 330-619-0730 or 234-201-8007 or e-mail:
“Remembering the Earthquakes”:  Supporters of Frackfree America National Coalition, based in Youngstown, Ohio, will attend a prayer service conducted by Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin to commemorate the upcoming fifth anniversary of the now-famous December 31, 2011 Youngstown, Ohio, 4.0 magnitude earthquake linked to a fracking waste injection well.

Concerned citizens will gather for the prayer on public property on Thursday, December 29, 2016, at 1:00 PM outside of the Coitsville Township Building at 3737 McCartney Road, Lowellville, Ohio.

Youngstown, Ohio, December 28, 2016 – Supporters of  Frackfree America National Coalition, (FANC) based in Youngstown, Ohio, will attend a prayer service conducted by Reverend Monica Beasley-Martin, of Defenders of the Earth Outreach Mission, to commemorate the upcoming fifth anniversary of the now-famous December 31, 2011 Youngstown, Ohio, 4.0 magnitude earthquake linked to a fracking waste injection well.

       Concerned citizens will gather for the prayer on public property on Thursday, December 29, 2016, at 1:00 PM outside of the Coitsville Township Building at 3737 McCartney Road, Lowellville, Ohio. 

       A focus of the event will be raising public awareness of the need to legally stop a proposed Coitsville, Ohio injection well, another Vienna injection well that is now operating, and an injection well in Weathersfield/Niles that may reopen if the state does not stand their ground in their excellent decision to protect the public interest by suspending the injection well.   Halting these wells, and others, must be done in the interest of protecting public health, safety, and the environment.

       The earthquake anniversary prayer comes at an especially appropriate moment in that, as mentioned above, Coitsville is facing the possible opening of an injection well.  Furthermore, in an order dated December 23, 2016, a Franklin County Judge opened up the possibility of the restarting of a Weathersfield / Niles injection well that ODNR has already linked to man-made earthquakes.  The state had wisely suspended operations at the injection well for over two years to protect the public health and safety of the community.

       According to a December 24, 2016 Vindicator article reporting the possible restarting of the Weathersfield injection well,
       “‘I’m a little shocked,’ said Gil Blair, an attorney and Weathersfield Township trustee, when informed of the decision by The Vindicator. ‘We just don’t need another earthquake. I’m troubled by the location in relation to the Meander Dam, downtown Niles, downtown Warren. I don’t think that’s the location to experiment with.’ “ [1]
       Frackfree America National Coalition (FANC) calls for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) to deny the Coitsville injection well permit and for the state of Ohio to stand its ground in the Weathersfield/ Niles injection well court case to keep the injection well closed. This must be done in order to protect Weathersfield/ Niles, especially since a federally listed  high hazard dam is located about 2.73 miles from the injection well – much too close.

       FANC says our local community and surrounding areas have already experienced numerous fracking-related and injection well-related, man-made earthquakes.  The risk of causing a large or damaging earthquake, or even smaller tremors, by allowing injection into an “area of known seismic activity" is far too great and is unacceptable.  Therefore, to protect the public health and safety, the Weathersfield injection well must not reopen and the Coitsville proposed well must be stopped. 
       FANC believes it is not a legitimate business activity when such operations endanger and put the community and public health and safety at such high, unacceptable risk of potentially large and damaging earthquakes. This is especially true considering that in the 1980s, geologist Ann Harris referred to northeastern Ohio as the “Eastern Disturbed Zone” due to all of the faults.[2] 

        It must be stressed that another major concern is that there is also a federally listed “high hazard dam” only 2.73 miles away from the Weathersfield injection well. FANC believes it would be immoral, negligent, and reckless to allow this injection well to operate in light of the state’s science-based, legal argument to suspend operations there in the interest of protecting public health and safety.

       To read a FMV press release from August 11, 2016 that addresses issues with the Weathersfield / Niles, Ohio injection well in relation to the Meander Dam please see:

       To read a FMV press release from July 11, 2016 addressing the proposed injection well in Coitsville, Ohio see:

       Also please see:

“ODNR: No comment on injection well ruling; company filed other legal action,” Vindicator, by Ed Runyan, December 28, 2016

       All media are invited.

       For media inquiries or more information, please contact Frackfree America National Coalition at: 

[1]  “Franklin County judge rules in favor of reopening Weathersfield injection well,” Vindicator, by Ed Runyan,  December 24, 2016
[2] Mike Costarella, “Who’s At Fault?”, March 13, 2012,

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Weathersfield fracking waste wells 2.8 miles from Meander Creek Reservoir dam - click to enlarge image
Click to enlarge

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Spring 2017 Lecture Series on Energy & The Environment - Youngstown State University

All talks are on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Eastern time. Cushwa Hall, Room B112, 210 Lincoln Ave, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44503 FREE and open to the public.

There is FREE on-street parking after 5 p.m. at the metered parking spaces along Lincoln Avenue and nearby streets. Join us for discussion over bite to eat & drink across the street at IC afterwards :-)
* = live in person ^ = live via Skype

Monday, November 21, 2016

Fracking Waste Well To Open - It Should Not! - Coitsville, Ohio

Very IMP Meeting Dec 7 at 7-9pm Coitsville fracking waste well topic at Township Building, 3737 McCartney Road, Lowellville, Ohio 44436
Coitsville Township Fracking Waste Injection Well Meeting

Fracking Waste Well To Open - It Should Not!

Wednesday, December 7 at 7 PM - 9 PM
ODNR will discuss opening the fracking waste injection well on McCartney Road (Route 422) at Coitsville Trustee meeting on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at 7PM, Coitsville Township, Mahoning County, Ohio Building, 3737 McCartney Road, Lowellville, OH 44436.
[ODNR = Ohio Department of Natural Resources ]
*ALSO SEE* extensive documentation:
"Prayer Service & Rally July 12, 2016 Coitsville, Ohio: Fracking Waste Wells?! What Is Going On?!"
- AND -
"Three Fracking Waste Injection Wells in Mahoning Valley, Ohio: Shut Them Down Immediately! (August 12, 2016)"
Neighbors of the Collins Injection Waste Disposal Well

Mystery Brown "Gusher"/Spill? June 24, 2016, Coitsville Township, Collins Injection Disposal Well

  Here is a 2025 UPDATE including entire history from 2012 via researcher, The Daily Accident Report-Ohio Oil & Gas. :

Fracking Waste Disposal Operation Next to Family in  Vienna, Ohio - ongoing  


Monday, November 7, 2016

Youngstown Voters Urged to YES Vote on Fracking Ban (Charter Amendment #6)

We urge voters in #Youngstown city limits to VOTE YES! on Charter Amendment #6 on Nov 8, 2016, to ban #fracking in City.
Stop the #earthquakes VOTE YES! on #6

VOTE YES! on #6 because
300 Doctors unanimously approved #Pennsylvania Medical Society resolution supporting moratorium on #fracking (Oct. 23, 2016)

VIDEO: Dario Hunter​ endorses community bill of rights(Charter amendment #6):

Ohio polls open 6:30 AM–7:30 PM. You’re allowed to vote if you’re in line by 7:30 PM. Bring a copy of accepted ID

FIND YOUR Mahoning County voting location:

Here is Youngstown City ballot - 5 pages:

READ Community Bill of Rights (Charter Amendment #6) here: 


Friday, August 12, 2016

Three Fracking Waste Injection Wells in Mahoning Valley, Ohio: Shut Them Down Immediately! (August 12, 2016)

Frackfree Mahoning Valley                                             News Release
For Immediate Release:  August 11, 2016
Contact: Jane Spies:  Phone: 330-619-0730 or 234-201-0402 or email:
Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV) is calling for Ohio Governor John Kasich and ODNR Chief Simmers to immediately halt three fracking waste injection well sites near family homes, a “high hazard” dam, an airport, businesses, or schools.  FMV says the injection wells are too close to areas of known seismic activity where man-made earthquakes have already occurred.

FMV will hold a press conference on Friday, August 12, 2016, at 1:15 PM Eastern time, in Youngstown, Ohio, on the public sidewalk in front of Youngstown, Ohio City Hall at Boardman and Phelps Streets.

Geology Professor, Dr. Ray Beiersdorfer, will speak about man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity) and fracking waste injection wells and answer any media questions.
All media are invited to attend.

This injection well site is way too near a family home and an airport in Vienna, Ohio. This site is too close to areas of known, man-made injection well–related and fracking earthquakes in the region. Frackfree Mahoning Valley is calling for Ohio Governor John Kasich and ODNR Chief Simmers to protect the public health and safety of the Vienna and surrounding communities by immediately halting plans to allow what FMV believes to be ultrahazardous, heavy industrial injection well operations in this community that already has experienced an injection well-related spill in 2015.[1] FMV says permitting injection at this site will increase the risk of induced seismicity. Earthquakes cannot be regulated, says FMV.
Youngstown, Ohio, August 11, 2016  Frackfree Mahoning Valley (FMV) is calling for Ohio Governor John Kasich and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Chief Simmers to immediately halt three local injection well sites in order to protect public health, safety, and well-being and to decrease the risk of more man-made earthquakes and risks to drinking water that can result from injection well operations. 

        FMV will hold a press conference on Friday, August 12, 2016 at 1:15 PM in front of Youngstown, Ohio City Hall on the public sidewalk at Boardman and Phelps streets. Geologist Ray Beiersdorfer, Ph.D., Professor of Geology at Youngstown State University, will speak about updated information regarding injection wells, fracking, and man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity).  He will address any media questions.  All media are invited to attend.

       Based upon scientific studies and past experience with the Youngstown magnitude 4.0 earthquake episode and other nearby induced seismicity,  FMV believes that potentially damaging man-made earthquakes could occur if fluid waste injection proceeds at the three injection well sites since we are in an area of known seismic activity.

       Although Frackfree Mahoning Valley wants all waste injection to stop,  the group’s current focus is on the following  three northeastern Ohio injection well sites where injection could occur if permitted by ODNR Chief Simmers:   Vienna, Ohio; Weathersfield/ Niles, Ohio; and Coitsville, Ohio.

       Especially concerning is the Weathersfield/Niles AWMS injection well site, as American Water Management Services (AWMS) has apparently appealed ODNR’s closing of the deeper well due to ODNR’s concerns about public health and safety of the local community.  
       ODNR had stopped operations at the deeper of two wells there due to earthquakes that scientists linked to the deeper injection well.[2] This was the correct and moral decision by ODNR.[3]  FMV is urging ODNR to stand their ground in court by upholding their correct and just decision and keep the AWMS well closed down to protect the public health and safety of the community and region.  
        A shallower AWMS well is still permitted to operate, but is not operational at this time as far as FMV knows. FMV urges ODNR to close both wells due to an unacceptable level of seismic risk.
       There is a federally listed “high hazard” dam a few miles away (about 2.73 miles) from the AWMS injection well site that already has been linked to man-made earthquakes (induced seismicity). FMV says the injection well operation should remain closed, partly because more potential induced earthquakes could be an unacceptable risk to the dam.
       According to the Vindicator regarding Meander Dam, "The federal government lists the dam as ‘high hazard’ – not because of any flaws in the structure that undergoes daily safety inspections.  It is so listed because of the likely massive loss of human life that could occur should it ever face a catastrophic collapse. “[4]  
       FMV recently discovered an article linking to a study by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers that recommended, in relation to the Joe Pool Dam, in Texas, that injection be prevented within five miles of the dam.  According to the “Memorandum for Record,” attached to the study contracted by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, “… As a result, USACE has adopted a 4,000 – foot exclusion zone at Joe Pool Dam within which no drilling will be allowed, regardless of depth.  Additionally, in order to protect the project from induced seismicity, USACE will work to limit injection wells within five miles of the Joe Pool project.  These recommendations are more conservative than the subject study recommends; however, they are considered necessary to ensure that public safety is not reduced as a result of minerals related activities at Joe Pool.” [5]
       FMV intends to attend a public informational meeting in Lowellville, Ohio next week to present their concerns in person to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers’ Pittsburgh District.

       In Vienna the well is very near a family home and way too close to the airport.   ODNR’s suggestion that they will take action if seismic activity is detected by monitors is not good enough to protect the community.  Any potential quakes must be prevented in the first place. Once the fault is destabilized, the harm cannot be undone.   Does the current operation have lightning protection?  Even if it does, it still must be stopped due to being located close to an area of known seismic activity.

       The Coitsville injection well is being plugged back presumably to be put into operation in the future.  It is also too close to the Khalil injection well for which ODNR set a precedent by denying a permit to inject since it is too close to areas of known seismic activity, including the site of the New Year’s Eve 2011 magnitude 4.0 quake.  A Frackfree Mahoning Valley July 11, 2016 news release contains many links to background information on the Coitsville and local injection well situations and can be found here:

       FMV respectfully urges Governor Kasich and ODNR Chief Simmers to please review the latter link and this press release. The only effective solution to protect the public interest is to stop the injection operations at Vienna, Coitsville, and Weathersfield/Niles. 
        FMV urges ODNR to:  deny the injection permit for the Vienna well owned by the Oklahoma company, or revoke it if it is already issued; revoke the Coitsville injection well permit;  and we hope ODNR stands their ground and continues to do the right thing by refusing the permit to inject at the Weathersfield/Niles AWMS site.  It is the right thing to do.

       There is no good solution to the problem of the constant creation of millions of gallons of waste fluid.  Where will it all go? Ohio, or any area, cannot be used as a dumping ground for fracking waste or any kind of waste. We are not a sacrifice zone.   The public health, safety, and well-being must be protected.
       Thank you to Teresa Mills of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) for her research and concepts used in this release.

       For more information, please see:
Frackfree Mahoning Valley:
       For media inquiries or more information, please contact Frackfree Mahoning Valley at: 
234-201-0402   or  e-mail:


[1] Photographs of the 2015 Vienna, Ohio spill and links to news reports and information can be found at:
[2] Ed Runyan, “Study says Weathersfield earthquake and injection well are linked,” The Vindicator, February 17, 2015, ; Also see:  Aaron Marshall, “Youngstown earthquakes raise issues on oilfield wastes from shale exploration,”  The Plain Dealer, updated January 16, 2012,
[3] PDF uploaded document: “Before the Oil & Gas Commission,” American Water Management Services, LLC  vs Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management; Appeal Nos. 889 & 890, Review of Chief’s Orders 2014-372 & 2014 – 374 (AWMS #2 Well); FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND ORDER OF THE COMMISSION, Date Issued: August 12, 2015:
[4] “Meander Dam safety must trump windfalls for cities,” The Vindicator,, April 13, 2016:
[5] Christian McPhate, “Corps of Engineers Wants Gas Drillers to Move Farther Away from Joe Pool Dam,” March 17, 2016, Dallas Observer:
The quoted passage is from  the study referenced in the latter article, page one,” Memorandum for Record,” stamped 17 Feb 2016 by Calvin C. Hudson II, Colonel, EN Commanding :
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